Hey Valentine! Are you a coronary artery? Because your wrapped around my heart
Posted by Denoyer Geppert on
As children, this was a heart It really looks nothing like
FYI - we make anatomical models such as the HEART right here in Skokie IL and we want you to buy them. Visit www.denoyer.com - WE earned the right to celebrate Valentines Day because we market this stuff everyday, unlike all these other false advertisers that have nothing to do with the heart and yet capitalize on the holiday trying to make money.
So where did this butt shaped symbol come from? Well, as it turns out there are many theory's ranging from St. Valentine sending messages to his beloved to Greek and roman birth control. Say What!
Valentines day is celebrated around the globe. But why? One legend says it was started in the third century Rome when soldiers were not allowed to take on a wife. A priest named Valentine, seeing the injustice of this performed secret weddings and was caught and put to death by Claudius. Another story goes that Valentine was imprisoned trying to help Christians, he fell in love with the jailor's daughter and sent her love notes signed "From your Valentine".
So where did thissymbol come from? One theory suggests it can be traced back to an ancient plant. Silphium grew on the North African coastline near a Greek colony in Cyrene -now Libya. Silphium was a giant fennel plant used as a spice, medicine and a form of birth control. The plants seed shape was similar to
and was thought to have protective properties. The image was even used on ancient silver coins.
So when did Valentines Day become this awful commercialized holiday?
According to Cosmo Mag - Valentines day is a grotesque consumerist holiday designed to make people feel awful. Not sure about that but some people do feel awful on valentines day. As a newlywed many moons ago, I received jewellery every year for Valentines day and I LOVED IT! Was that crappy of me to like receiving gifts? No. So why is Cosmo trying to make me feel bad about it? Give your lover a gift - small or large. Some times we all need a lift and sometimes you have to laugh it off.
Valentines day is celebrated around the globe. But why? One legend says it was started in the third century Rome when soldiers were not allowed to take on a wife. A priest named Valentine, seeing the injustice of this performed secret weddings and was caught and put to death by Claudius. Another story goes that Valentine was imprisoned trying to help Christians, he fell in love with the jailor's daughter and sent her love notes signed "From your Valentine".
Got a special story to share about Valentines day - send me a message mandros@denoyer.com
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“you’re” wrapped around my heart.
i somehow got to Bill Murray. : \