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0147-00 Giant Kidney Model

  • $410.99
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0147-00  Deluxe Kidney

Three times life-size, this vinyl-plastic model of the left kidney is parasagitally sectioned over three-fourths of its anterior surface.  Illustrated in deep relief are:

  • the renal artery and vein
  • a portion of the ureter, cortex
  • medulla
  • pyramids
  • pelvis
  • major and minor calyces
  • internal blood supply

Nephrons are detailed in contrasting colors with the distal and proximal convoluted tubules somewhat simplified for clarity. Several loops of Henle with glomeruli are also detailed in relief.

34 hand-numbered features are identified in the accompanying key

Measurements: 14x8x5 inches (36x20x13 cm).

1. Superior extremity 2. Inferior extremity 3. Internal border
4. External border

5. Hilum
6. Cortex
7. Medulla
8. Pyramid
9. Base of pyramid
10. Renal papilla
11. Columns of Bertini
12. Cortical capillary plexus
13. Glomeruli
(renal corpuscles) 14. Proximal convoluted tubule 15. Ascending loop of Henle
16. Descending loop of Henle
17. Distal convoluted tubule
18. Collecting tubule
19. Excretory tubules
20. Pelvis
21. Major calyx
22. Minor calyx
23. Area cribrosa
24. Excretory tubules
25. Ureter
26. Renal vein
27. Interlobular veins
28. Arcuate veins
29. Interlobular or radiate veins 30. Renal artery
31. Interlobular arteries
32. Arcuate arteries
33. Interlobular or radiate arteries 34. Arteriae and venae rectae

Denoyer-Geppert Autographed Anatomy

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