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0134-00 Giant Functional Larynx

  • $540.99

Denoyer-Geppert Autographed Anatomy0134-00  Giant Functional Larynx
Four times life-size and uniquely American-made, this unbreakable vinyl replica is complete with hyoid bone and epiglottis. The right side depicts only the cartilaginous structure, while the left shows the musculature as well. Movable vocal cords, arytenoid cartilages and epiglottis all accurately demonstrate their functions. Perfect for speech correction and music, as well as anatomy and physiology, 55 hand-coded features are identified in the accompanying key.
Overall dimensions: 15x7x6 inches (38x18x15 cm).
  1. Hyoid bone

  2. Lesser horn

  3. Greater horn

  4. Lateral thyrohyoid ligament

  5. Insertion of geniohyoid muscle

  6. Origin of median constrictor muscle of


  7. Orgin of hyoglossus muscle

  8. Insertion of stylohyoid muscle

  9. Insertion of mylohyoid muscle

  10. Insertion of sternohyoid muscle

  11. Insertion of omohyoid muscle

  12. Thyrohyoid muscle

  13. Insertion of sternothyroid m.

  14. Thyroid cartilage

  15. Laryngeal prominence

  16. Inferior horn

  17. Superior horn

  18. Superior thyroid tubercle

  19. Inferior thyroid tubercle

  20. Oblique line

  21. Triticeal cartilage

  22. Median cricothyroid ligament

  23. Cricoid cartilage

  24. Arch of cricoid

  25. Lamina of cricoid

  26. Thyroid articular surface

  27. Arytenoid articular surface

Denoyer-Geppert Autographed Anatomy

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